Page 19 - Vol.36-No.9 issue
P. 19


        cause even when soil calcium levels are
        nominally high, plant roots and vascular
        systems  invariably  experience  difficul-                                    JAIN Irrigation
        ty in access, absorption and delivery of
        calcium  because  the  divalent  calcium                                 Automatic Scheduling
        ion has intrinsic poor mobility.                                              Wins Irrigation
          But  this  is  only  one  part  of  the  prob-                            Association 2020
        lem  because  when  ‘calcium  interacts
        with  phosphorous’  insoluble  calcium                                   People’s Choice Award
        phosphate is formed. “It is in these com-
        monly-occurring situations where Omex                                     Jain Irrigation, Inc., the world lead-
        Calmax  comes  into  its  own  and  shows                                er  in  irrigation  technology,  today
        its strength as a foliar spray by furnish-                               announced that Jain Unity, its patent-
        ing  the  plant  with  soluble  and  there-                              ed  automatic  irrigation  scheduling
        fore plant available calcium,” says Peter                                software and environmental services
        Prentis. He adds how benefits accruing                                   platform, has won the Irrigation Asso-
        from foliar feeding using Omex Calmax                                    ciation  2020  People’s  Choice  Award
        are boosted by applying the product in                                   in the Specialty Landscape Irrigation
        tandem  with  the  phosphite-containing                                  category  of  the  New  Product  Con-
        Omex DP98.  “This is achieved by tank                                    test.  The  contest,  which  is  usually
        mixing Omex Calmax and Omex DP98.                                        held  during  the  annual  Irrigation
        The  phosphite  in  DP98  helps  to  car-  Fast growing plants and a     Show and Education Week, was host-
        ry calcium into the plant, swiftly, safely   uniformly-maturing crop of cherry   ed online by the IA this year due to
        and securely via absorption through the   tomato are the fruits of foliar   the  pandemic.  The  People’s  Choice
        leaves,” says Peter                   feeding (Picture courtesy Omex)    award  was  selected  by  those  view-
                                                                                 ing the entries online and recognized
                                              Blossom  end  rot  is  caused  first  and   the favorite products released in the
                                            foremost by a shortfall in calcium nutri-  past 12 months based on innovation,
                                            tion but it may extend into a disease-re-  design  quality,  increased  water/re-
                                            lated problem whereby fungus-like Phy-  source-use efficiency, ease of use, and
                                            tophthora  pathogens  exploit  the  initial   product life expectancy.
                                            physiological and calcium related prob-  Unity  tracks  the  real-time  state  of
                                            lem  as  secondary  invaders. The  reduc-  moisture in a plant’s root zone to cal-
                                            tion  in  calcium  mobility  experienced   culate and then activate a smart con-
                                            under  high  temperature  conditions  is   troller when best and how-to water. It
                                            well known and Saudi Arabian growers   also leverages predictive modeling of
                                            will typically foliar feed their crops with   environmental changes in the future,
                                            Omex  Calmax  to  overcome  tempera-  such as forecast rainfall, to reduce the
                                            ture-related constraints on calcium avail-  running  of  irrigation  systems  for  re-
                                            ability.                             filling root zones and balancing nutri-
                                                                                 ent loss to maintain peak plant health.
                                                                                  “We’re  incredibly  honored  by  this
                                                                                 recognition  of  Jain  Unity  from  our
                                                                                 peers,” said Aric Olson, President of
                                                                                 Jain Irrigation, Inc., “It acknowledges
           Soft fruit such as strawberry is                                      the  importance  of  utilizing  forecast
            well catered for by the Omex                                         weather data that increases precision
              range of soluble nutrient                                          in  water  management,  and  ultimate-
             products applied by foliar                                          ly, conservation of freshwater use for
          feeding (Picture courtesy Omex)                                        landscaping. Unity has set a new bar
                                                                                 in irrigation technology by using pre-
          Key role of calcium in the plant is as a                               dictive  analytics  to  save  more  water
        component of calcium pectate which ce-                                   than  the  prior  generations  of  weath-
        ments the walls of adjoining cells togeth-                               er-based irrigation controllers.”
        er to form strong and rigid plant tissues.                                Unity  connects  to  smart  irrigation
        Any shortfall in calcium will correspond-                                controllers  on-site  over  3G/4G/5G
        ingly show up as tissue structure-related                                wireless networks while giving users
        deficiency symptoms. Examples of these                                   remote  access  to  those  controllers
        are  blossom  end  rot  (tomato,  capsicum                               from  anywhere  on  their  computer
        pepper,  aubergine  and  cucumber),                                      or  smartphone.  Unity  automatically
        bitter  pit  (apples  and  pears),  tip  burn                            sends users a weekly notification that
        (lettuce)  and  internal  browning  (potato                              shows the amount of ET (evapotrans-
        tubers).  These  symptoms  are  some  of                                 piration) moisture loss and replenish-
        the most frequently occurring and best   Fruits of foliar feeding with   ment by rain and/or running the irri-
        known effects of insufficient plant avail-  soluble nutrient products from   gation system.
        able calcium.                          Omex (Picture courtesy Omex)                        Circle 20 on enquiry card

                                                                Circle 19 on enquiry card
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